Happy 26th Birthday my friend….

We know each other so long.It all began at Pretoria college in the early 2002.We hated each other we were both filled with rumours me ‘being pregnant and she had her boobs done’.(NO IDEA HOW THIS ALL STARTED)

while taping i am in deed laughing cause at that time it wasn't funny it was game ON…

Before then i started my hairdressing career at cutting edge salon only to find miss Tanya been working there too.On weekends while still attending college,I started on the weekend of her 19th birthday and we both looked like we are about to kill  each other.It was messy but soft around the edges it took awhile to get around each other and the off again and on again fights.The freaky times as awesome memories.We shared a lot of good times and bad times.Are story still continues as we both live in different countries.Hope too see you soon my dearest porra :)


once again happy Birthday!!!!mwah



These photos were taken on Tanya’s 22 Birthday @ News Cafe (the place to be)


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