25 +

Ok so i was kind of wondering where  ill be in 25 years…I wish we could choose and see if i will make it or will i ever get married who is going to be my husband?will i have kids?how many kids and how will they look like?will i be happily married? dam suddenly those thoughts came to mind it was scary.I mean i haven't had a serious relationship were we talk of getting married and how many kids we are going to have.I have found one of my diaries and i started reading it and i laughed at some of my words and how much better i could spell words but in one of my books i made a dream and it said that i had to meet my soul mate at 21 and get married at 22/23 and have my first baby at 24 witch i dreamed of for a very long time cause my grand mother had my mother at 24 and my mother had me at 24 and so i really wanted it to work out like that but i have learned my lesion and i just have to accept the way things are and sometimes they work out and sometimes they wont we just have to prepare ourselves.so i have accept how things worked out.

IMG_0228 IMG_0230 IMG_0231 IMG_0232 IMG_0233 IMG_0234 my last day of being 24…






P.s My bog brother would have been 28 years old today-i haven't met you but you were always been in my thoughts… one day ill meet you and i cant wait!


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