The day after my birthday…

I went down to Robina town centre to meet up with one of my pregnant girl friends who is due in a couple of weeks.She already has two kids a boy and a girl-she is going to have a another girl!Witch is pretty amazing! She is also 25!and look where i am??? arggg but i am happy the way things are and i hope one day my prince charming will meet me very soon so we can have a happy ever after lol ------- dream on!well this day was really nice in fact i love to shop for teeny tiny cloths.I got her something for the baby and the other kids.We went to drink coffee and eat cake with lots of creammmmm yummy.We catch up and went for a long walk through the mall and we went in every baby store.She felt bad dragging me store to store but i told her i love shopping for babies and its a dam BONUS if i shop with a pregnant friend- she just laughed and so did i.I mean seriously if i do shopping for a baby people just stare like ammm i think your in the wrong section ‘hello’ lol and they will look me up and down down and up and ill be thinking aaammm hi yes i am not pregnant and do you  have a problem??? hie hie well the day was all good…


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